10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: This is just a reminder that Blue & Gold orders will need to picked up today from 3:30 -4:30. Thanks,
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: We had an intruder DRILL today in which the Sheriff's Dept. participated. It was a little different than our usual drill with the students taking an active part.
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Correction the Blue and Gold orders will arrive Monday. Previous message said order forms. Thanks.
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Weekly Calendar/Menu
10 months ago, Rita Hix
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Lowrey Family: Blue and Gold order forms will be arriving Monday, October 9th. Please make arrangements to pick up your child's order. We do not have room in the freezers to store orders. You can pick it up from 3:25 until 4:30. If you can, please park in the East Parking area close to the double doors, if possible. For questions, call the office. See you Monday afternoon!
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Week of Oct 9th: Mon. 10/9 - 2nd Quarter begins; Tues. 10/10 - 4th Grade to Thompson House Leave @ 8:20 Return @ 2:30; Wed/ 10/11 - G/T Trip Leave @ 8 AM Return @8:30 PM; Thurs. 10/12 - Academic Meet @ Woodall Leave @ 8:00 Return @ 12:30, Report cards go home today, 4-H meeting in the Library @ 4:00; Frid. 10/13 - Fire Trailer here for PK-4th. End of first quarter. EXTRA News: Parent/Teacher conferences are 10/17. No After-school this day. Fall Break is Oct 19-23rd. Halloween Carnival is Oct 30th, 5:00-8:00 in gym. NO After-school this day. Have a great weekend!
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Just a reminder. The containers are now at the school for the hay wrap and twine collection. Containers are located in front of the fence down by the buses and in front of the garden area. Please feel free to drop your twine and hay wrap in them at any time. The county will be picking up the containers on February 2nd so we have until then to collect. The school that collects the most wins $,1000. Spread the word and help us win! Go Lions!!!
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Perry Benefit Lunch/Dinner
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Perry Benefit
Lowrey Family: Week of Oct 2nd: Mon. 10/2 - Academic Meet @Lowrey 9:30; Tues. 10/3 - Pk-2nd Pumpkin Patch 9:00-2; Frid. 10/6 - ORES Cross Country @ Shawnee, Leave @ 8:30 Return @ ??. EXTRA NEWS: Report Cards go out on Oct. 12th; Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct 17th. NO AFTER-SCHOOL this day; No school on Oct 19th - 23rd for Fall Break; Lowrey's Halloween Carnival is Monday, OCT 30th, 5:00-8 in the gym. NO AFTER-SCHOL on this day. Have a Great Weekend!
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Just a reminder that Blue & Gold orders are due tomorrow, Friday, 9/29/23. Also that picture Retakes are also tomorrow.
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Reminders: Friday, Sept. 29 is the last day to turn in your order and money for Blue & Gold Sausage. Also, picture retakes are on Friday,
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Weekly Calendar/Menu
10 months ago, Rita Hix
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Lowrey Family: Ms. Snell has requested that we send this out to everyone. She is a former student and employee of Lowrey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfngloj2uiZWMO6PluGbrw4P-vIKFZbyUw6mpd2xx-XUVNRjg/viewform?usp=sf_link Dear Lowrey Public School Parents, my name is Torey Snell and I am in school for my Masters and have to administer a survey. If you guys would take the time to fill out this ten question form, which is at the above link, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and participation! Sincerely,  Torey Snell
10 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Week of 18th: Mon. 9/18 - Softball @ Lowrey 5/6 @ 4:00 7/8 @ 4:45, Also Hat Day today; Tues 9/19 - Picture Proofs and Money Due, 90's Day today; Wed. 9/20 - Anything but a backpack today; Thurs. 9/21 - ORES softball at Shawnee Leave @ 6:15 AM 1st game @ 9:30; Wear Lowrey themed clothes today; Friday 9/22 is PJ Day. This week is Spirit Week, everyone can participate. EXTRA: Blue & Gold is currently being sold. Money and orders are due Spet. 29. Haloween Carnival is Oct. 30, 5:00 - 8:00 (NO Bingo). Have a great weekend!
11 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowry Family: P.S. We are also having a cake walk at the carnival. Any donations for that will be appreciated.
11 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: On Oct 30th, we will be having a Halloween Carnival at the school in the Gym. We will have a Silent Basket Auction. If you would like to make a donation to a basket, following are the grades and their themes: Pre-K & Kdg - Spa Day Basket; 1st/2nd - Baking Basket; 3rd/4th - Game Night Basket; 5th/6th - Sportsman Basket; and 7th/8th - Movie Night Basket. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
11 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Blue & Gold order forms will go out to students tomorrow, Wed. 9/13/24. Orders and money will be due back in the office on 9/29/23. Have a good day.
11 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: The 7/8 softball game scheduled for today @ Moseley has been cancelled and rescheduled for Friday 9/15/23 @ Moseley. Leave at 12:45 return at 3:00.
11 months ago, Millie Hix
Lowrey Family: Wednesday 9/13: The 3/4 grade softball team will be in a tournament at GrandView. The first game will be played at 9:00 If they win they will play again at 11:15, if they win again, they will play at 1:30. If they lose the first game they will play at 10:30. Notes went home with the players.
11 months ago, Millie Hix